Update November, 2008

Prep and more Prep

Tickets are all purchased. We’ve hired Emily Pierceall to help manage the production details (a major treat!). We found a rental house in our neighbourhood for the actors to live in while they’re here, and the excitement mounts. Angela arrives in a week with the dog masks, so I’ve got to clear out my studio so she’ll have a place to work (and sleep).

Barry has been working day and night to get all the dog stories ready and in sequence so that Neil and Richard can be filmed watching them on screen. We used file cards with a documentary sequence itemized on each card, then brain-stormed with our Co-Producer and Search and Rescue story editor Eric Sullivan to decide on a running order. Now to fine-tune the script so each sequence is introduced properly….

Extras to organize, permits to obtain for filming in San Francisco and Oakland, shooting schedules to plan, locations to scout, and our annual Thanksgiving Turkey pageant to organize too. We’ll parade the feast to the actors’ place down the path because there’ll be too many friends and neighbours to fit around our little yellow table. Barry’s Mom arrives from England the day before, his sister comes in from Nepal the day of, Neil and Emma come up from Australia and Richard flies in from London. Must remember to order the turkey. Neil says he’ll cook it. I’m on the tofu version.

Something tasty for Thanksgiving!


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